Feb 18-19 was the deacons' campout at the Hendersons' property. Bro. Tutton and Bro. Franks were in charge. Six boys attended, including W Wells, who turned 12 Saturday morning (Happy birthday!).
C Baker took these pictures with my cell phone. :)
Almost S'mores and Campfire Creativity
An extremely good night's rest was had by all (?) --especially the birthday boy, who was apparently nearly impossible to rouse the next morning. :)
Next came some early morning calisthenics, unfortunately not without some minor injuries. . .
Breakfast -- eggs and chorizo burritos with forgotten salsa, and amazingly good orange juice
A hike was suggested, and off they went into the wilderness, with only Squirt, Sadie, and a knife for protection. . . .
Decampment was accomplished with true Scout efficiency, and the boys went home.
The End.