Deacons' Campout at the Hendersons

Feb 18-19 was the deacons' campout at the Hendersons' property. Bro. Tutton and Bro. Franks were in charge. Six boys attended, including W Wells, who turned 12 Saturday morning (Happy birthday!). 

C Baker took these pictures with my cell phone. :) 

Almost S'mores and Campfire Creativity

An extremely good night's rest was had by all (?) --especially the birthday boy, who was apparently nearly impossible to rouse the next morning. :)

Next came some early morning calisthenics, unfortunately not without some minor injuries. . . 

Breakfast -- eggs and chorizo burritos with forgotten salsa, and amazingly good orange juice

A hike was suggested, and off they went into the wilderness, with only Squirt, Sadie, and a knife for protection. . . . 

Decampment was accomplished with true Scout efficiency, and the boys went home.

The End. 

Eagle Court of Honor

Sunday, February 13, 2011 --

Brannon Smith and Connor Henderson were awarded the highest rank of Scouting.

Congratulations to them and their families!

Following are pictures from their Eagle Court of Honor. . . .

Posting the colors
(note: I did get permission from Bishop to take these photos in the chapel :) 

Brannon Smith and Connor Henderson; Bro. Anderson conducting

The Eagle Scouts candidates with their parents / family members

District Commisioner Glenn Dinsmore spoke of the significance of the Eagle rank, and awarded them both the Scouting Spirit pin

Do those parents look happy or what? :)

Connor chose to honor Bro. Anderson as his mentor in finishing his Eagle.

Brannon honored Bro. Eastham.

All Eagle Scouts in attendance took the Eagle Scout Pledge 

On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God. On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to my country. I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath. I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout.

On my honor, I will do my best to make my training an example, and make my rank and influence strongly count for better scouting and for better citizenship, in my troop, in my community, and in my contact with other people, regardless of race, color, or creed. To this, I pledge my sacred honor.

Receiving congratulations from audience members

The cake tasted even better than it looked, believe it or not. :)

Eagle Scout Brannon Smith and family

Eagle Scout Connor Henderson and parents

Well done, Connor and Brannon!